In a world that puts a premium on grades, chances are a key aspect of a child’s development can be largely sidelined. Or worse, it can be totally forgotten. Schools focus on children studying subjects to attain good grades. While we know that IQ or intelligence quotient can certainly have a bearing on the success of your young child, we can’t take out a key portion of that picture.
And we’re talking about EQ or emotional quotient. IQ is important, no doubt. But if you want your young child to scale success better, you must help him develop better EQ. Studies show leaders who have higher EQ attain greater heights. What’s more, they get heftier take-home pays, too.
It’s pretty clear that a more emotionally-attuned child has greater prospects in life. He can communicate better and develop long-lasting friendships. Best of all, he is in a better position to lead. Indeed, it might look daunting. But emotional imprinting can help your child develop better EQ to succeed better in life. And there may be no better time to start than while he’s young.
Identify Emotions
As adults, we all go through a wide range of emotions. However, we are better equipped to deal with them. Over the years, we’ve developed coping mechanisms that allow us to function as responsible citizens on the planet.
It’s important that children learn ownership of their emotions. This way, they will be able to adapt and adjust their approaches, albeit slowly, when these emotions take hold of them.
A good start is to have them “name” these emotions. When children can distinguish the difference between anger, fear, or frustration, they are taking a huge first step in being able to handle their emotions. To do that tell them to describe their emotions when they’re feeling down or angry. If they want to write these feelings, then allow them. What’s important is they identify these emotions and rein them in slowly.
Repetition is the mother of learning. So, make sure you tell them to identify their emotions now and then, to make the process stick. Don’t limit this identification process to negative emotions. Let them identify positive happy ones too.
In a way, such EQ training also prepares your child for preschool. A good daycare or nursery school is a treasure find. For starters, it will help your child sharpen his EQ skills even more. In this sense, not only does the nursery allow you to focus on your own work during day time, but it also allows your child to interact and learn while having fun with other kids.
Imprint Your Own
Have you ever wondered how a duckling follows her mother? Science calls it imprinting. When the duckling is born, there’s a sensitive period when it sees who to follow. As the first moving animal it sees is its mother, it follows the duck wherever it goes.
You may find it funny. But the best way for you to help your young child boost his EQ is to model it. Open up your own emotions to him. As young as your child is, he needs someone to imprint emotional intelligence on him.
The process may make you feel uneasy. But you’d rather have him learn from you than from some street punk, right? It’s simple. To get it done, describe how you’re actually feeling to your child. Then, have them perceive it for themselves.
It’s essential you demonstrate how your emotions might also affect other people. A key concept here is not to put blame on your child when you feel angry when he has done bad. Instead, own up the emotions and tell them what made you act that way.
Identify Moods In-home
Allow your child to identify different moods in the house. This helps him go over his emotions better. When you’re in festive mode and guests are in the house, talk to your child about how all this made him feel. You can talk using his limited language.
Then when things are more relaxed, you can also talk about how such calm has affected him. It’s all about identifying his emotional triggers. When he’s upset, talk to him about what made him upset.
Take time to discuss different moods and how these are affecting him. Learn to identify teachable moments.
Identify Moods Outside
This is where you can increase the emotional quotient of your child. The outside world is a lot more chaotic than your personal space. Chances are, there are far more challenging situations that can offer a good time to practice emotional intelligence.
Lining up for groceries for instance is a good chance to talk about being patient. Being in a playground is another way you can explore how the mood of joy and adventure ups his own emotions.
By exposing your child to the different hues of human emotion, you help him better handle it. By modeling it, you ensure he improves over time. And reap the rewards in the future.