How Singapore Created a Globally-Competitive Workforce

boss and employee working

Is Singapore preparing its students for the workforce?

The Southeast Asian nation has consistently proven that it is raising young people that can compete with their counterparts from anywhere in the world. Singaporeans have been acing exams after exams, receiving top marks in every subject, including STEM.

However, it is also important that young people do not just perform academically. They should be ready to face the challenges of adulthood once they graduate from university.

The Challenges of a Global Workforce

Nowadays, employees should have the skills and traits desired by employers from around the world. The workforce is, increasingly, becoming globalized as talents from all walks of life gain access to a wider pool of opportunities. The internet has made remote work a possibility for more people which means that, no matter where they are, professionals can apply for jobs and work in any companies where their expertise is needed.

However, as the workforce is globalized, the competition becomes more intense.

One way to continue being employable in a highly-competitive and globalized world is through lifelong learning. This is exactly Singapore’s approach to the future.

Lifelong Learning is the Key to Employment in the Future

The people of the city-state are encouraged to pursue higher education. There are scholarship programs that send students to any academic institution locally or abroad to seek mastery of their chosen field. Adults, too, are invited to learn a new trade in industries where the demand for workers is high to maintain their employability. Programs such as the SGUS (SGUnited Skills) train workers to improve their skills in programming, customer service, social media marketing, healthcare, and a lot more.

These opportunities ensure that every adult who wants to work will be able to work locally or in other countries.

Singapore knows the values of lifelong learning. The Southeast Asian nation is increasingly leaning toward digitization and automation. Technology is the future of the workforce. Robots have already started taking roles that, just a few years ago, can only be performed by humans. If employees refuse to adapt, they will be left behind.

The government, therefore, assures that citizens will continue to have access to opportunities. Those who have been displaced by technology can join reskilling and job placement programs so that they can continue to work and financially support themselves in the future.

Starting Preparations While Young

children in school

The prep for globalization begins early. Singapore is integrating 21st-century competencies into young people so that they grow up ready to face the challenges that they will encounter in the future.

The nation is raising children who are confident with their abilities, have a strong sense of right and wrong, adaptable and resilient, self-starters who do not need supervision, active contributors who can work with a team, and concerned citizens who want to improve the conditions around them.

Young Singaporeans grow up with respect for their own self-worth and others, with kindness and compassion, and a sense of responsibility within the family unit and the community. Students are strongly encouraged to practice these values in public and at home.

Global Competitiveness

As a result of all these efforts, Singapore gained the top spot for talent competitiveness across Asia. Its citizens are sought after by employers who see the skills and expertise of Singaporeans in a given field. The city-state has also become the most attractive destination for the best talents in the world, becoming the home to innovative startups.

Singapore also has defeated the United States to become the most competitive economy across over 100 metrics, including labor force. For the list, the World Economic Forum considered the performance of a total of 141 countries from all corners of the globe.

Singapore is not perfect, but the government has been making changes and opening opportunities to transform residents into globally-competitive citizens. The education that children and adults receive prepares them for the future.

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