Creating an At-home Educational Space for the Kids

a kid playing with crayons

Most of the time, it can be challenging to encourage our children to study. Some will refuse to even sit down to study, while others only have a short period of focus. For such reason, parents are usually recommended to create a dedicated study space at home for their kids. A separate learning area can help improve your kids’ focus and concentration when studying without any other distractions.

But to motivate your kids to study at home, you need to make sure that the study area you’re creating is ideal for learning. Want to know how? Follow our simple tips below to craft the perfect study room for your kids.

1. Find a quiet room

Multitasking is not always a good or possible thing, especially for young kids. Make it easier for your kids to focus on their studies by choosing a quiet room for their learning space. Avoid using a room near noisy areas such as your living room, laundry room, or kitchen. Choose a room where your kid can have privacy and peace when studying. If the rooms inside your home have thinner walls than usual, make sure to avoid too much noise or distractions during your kid’s study hours.

2. Improve indoor air quality

The quality of the indoor air is crucial for maintaining the room’s comfortability and the kids’ learning. In fact, most schools focus on the maintenance of indoor relative humidity and acceptable temperature to ensure the students can study well and the teachers can improve their productivity.  At the same time, it is critical for your kid’s good health. Poor indoor air quality can lead to pollutant-related health issues such as throat and eyes irritation, fatigue, and headaches.

3. Optimize the lighting

The light in the study room plays an important role in your kid’s concentration and focus when studying. This is even more crucial if your child prefers to study at night. For artificial lighting, make sure that it’s not too low or dim as this can lead to eye strain. If your kid is more likely to read or study during the day, maximize the natural light in the room. Sunlight can help boost focus, concentration, and mood. In fact, some studies even claim that it can potentially improve one’s ability to learn.

4. Choose the right colors

The color of the entire room is also critical for improving the quality of your kid’s study time. Some of the popular choices for a children’s study area are yellow, green, and pink, preferably in light shades. Several studies found that kids who learn or work in a yellow-painted room benefit from better memory recall and concentration.

A green room, on the other hand, is ideal for increasing reading comprehension and ability. Plus, it can bring freshness into the space. A study room with pink paint is particularly perfect for improving a kid’s behavior. Some studies show that it can make kids behave in a more considerate and caring way.

5. Set up a comfy desk and chair

child playing

Children or not, it’s hard to study or get work done in an uncomfortable setting. Get a comfortable chair and desk for your kid. For a comfortable seating position, experts suggest choosing a study desk that is at least 26 to 30 inches in height. If you find it hard to find such a table, you can always opt for one with an adjustable mechanism. You can also opt for one with multiple storage options like open compartments or deep drawers.

The same goes with your kid’s chair. Make sure to pick one with adjustable height and backrest. Buy one with ergonomic design and made from durable material. A plastic chair with a metal frame cover is fine.

6. Remove distractions

This is quite obvious but still worth the mention. If your kid’s study room is filled with distractions like electronic devices, their attention will surely be divided. Tablets, mobile phones, or even computers can be a huge distraction for children. As much as possible, these devices shouldn’t be present in the room. If these devices are needed for their online classes or any study session, make sure that they don’t have installed social media apps or games. There should be a television in the room as well.

With so many diversions and distractions surrounding our kids, many find it hard to have a complete focus on their studies. But by creating a suitable study space using this guide, your children can have a peaceful environment to improve their work productivity and the quality of their learning time.

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