Continue Your Education without a High School Diploma

student coming into class

Education is important. It is a solid foundation for a good future. It provides better job opportunities. Degree holders earn more than those who didn’t graduate from high school. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, you earn more if you’ll learn more. They conducted a survey and found out that a bachelor’s degree will enable you to earn more than double of what a high school graduate makes.

Unfortunately, many teenagers drop out of high school. Often, they do so out of necessity. Caring for a child or an aging dependent, multiple part-time jobs, or earning money for their families are some of their reasons.

All students, including those who didn’t graduate from high school, deserve alternative educational opportunities. They provide a second chance for people who didn’t have a choice but to drop out of high school.

In this article, you will be opened up to numerous opportunities that you can take, even without a high school diploma. If you’re worried about the future of your finances, consider these options.

High School Equivalency Exams

Instead of completing coursework, you can take any of the high school equivalency exams available today. Before 2014, the General Equivalency Diploma or General Educational Development (GED) was the most widely accepted exam. It was the standard. Today, however, HiSET, NEDP, and TASC are also ideal.

Each exam has its own set of eligibility requirements which differ by state. They also have varying degrees of strengths and weaknesses. They are, however, the same in measuring a person’s ability to answer high school-level questions.

When choosing a high school equivalency exam, check with your state if the one you’ve chosen is accepted in local schools. HiSET, for example, is accepted in 23 states. TASC is accepted only in 15.

Know your options. Research each exam.

Community College

Consider going to a community college. They offer two-year associate degrees and have a flexible admission process. Some don’t require a high school diploma. Because not all community colleges accept non-high school graduates, your choice is limited. It is a financially wise option, though.

Community colleges provide a way for aspiring students to enter university. So, if you want to continue your education, you can pick this option. It’s also economical considering you don’t have to complete four years in a university. You have to finish two years in college and another two years in a university.

Studying in community colleges is also less stressful. Classes have fewer students, and there are available counseling for career planning, improving studying skills, and tutoring.

Aside from making sure students are ready to enter university, community colleges play an important role in preparing people for labor. They offer programs in nursing, graphic arts, auto mechanics, carpentry, and many more.

Vocational and Trade Schools

Vocational and trade schools are also great options if you don’t have a high school diploma. They’ll also accept you even if you haven’t taken any high school equivalency exam.

student studying``

Both types of schools are just the same. The difference is that trade schools often focus on a specific industry or trade. An EMT school, for example, trains individuals who want to become emergency medical technicians.

Vocational schools, on the other hand, offer a variety of skills. They teach the science and theory behind the need for a job and how it was developed.

Whatever their differences are, both types of schools are important in supplying the job market with skilled but educated workers.

Individual College Classes

Taking individual college subjects can also benefit your career. Even without a high school diploma, you can still enroll in a college class. You can add these subjects to your resume when applying for a job. This is an excellent way of earning college credits. It will strengthen your educational background. It will allow you to complete a university degree in the future.

Adult High School and Adult Basic Education

Alternatively, you can also take adult basic education (ABE) or go to an adult high school.

Adult high school is often offered to 16 or older students. If they don’t have a high school diploma or are not currently enrolled, they can be eligible for this kind of school program. It requires 12 credit hours, though. If you’re interested, contact your local community college or school district for more information.

ABE, meanwhile, is composed of classes that focus on one’s improvement of writing, math, and reading skills. It is perfect for students who have low grades in these subjects. But, it’s a great option if you’re preparing yourself to take a high school equivalency exam.

You Can Still Make It

It’s never too late. By studying each option, you get to choose what’s right for your current situation. By knowing which suits you best, you get to prepare yourself for a
brighter future.



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