Working While in High School: Do Jobs Interfere with Studies?

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When you think of work, a teen is probably the last thing that’ll come to mind. After all, a typical teen would rather hang out with their friends during their free time than deal with a job. Plus, teens aren’t mature enough yet for most “adult” responsibilities. But why are we giving them jobs?

The fact that teens can apply for part-time jobs proves that they’re capable of working. They might not be treated as adults in the workplace, but they’d still be subject to the same rules adults follow. As such, teens can gain a stronger sense of responsibility from working. They’d also develop a work ethic, skills in working under pressure, and interpersonal skills. These will all be beneficial when they graduate.

But will working affect their studies? Let’s see what the jobs suitable for them might do with their time:

1. Online Selling

Online selling is a small business rather than a job. It is perfect for teens with a knack for entrepreneurship and marketing. They don’t even have to create a new product or their own brand. They can start by simply selling what they already have but no longer need. Those would be old textbooks, electronics, clothes, and the like.

By selling their old stuff, teens can free up their spaces faster and easier and earn money at that. It would also help minimize the carbon footprint of the production of new books and other products. The impact of a teen’s business may be small, but one less customer buying something brand-new creates one less waste.

Selling their old items won’t likely take up much of a teen’s time. They can still dedicate a whole day to school and a few hours for homework. They can commit an hour each day for selling since they don’t probably have heaps of stuff to sell. But if they start their own brand, that’ll be another story. They’d be young CEOs in that case, causing them to set aside their studies inevitably.

2. Tutoring


Teens with stellar marks are often recruited as tutors, formally or informally, or sometimes both. If a teen decides to get a formal tutoring gig from a tuition agency, they should ensure that their work schedule won’t overlap with their classes. If they can work during term breaks, that would be ideal, since many students and pupils take up summer classes.

If they’d been hired to tutor someone after classes, they should ensure that they’d still have enough time for their own studies. Simply put, a teen tutor should have good time management skills. If they’re willing to commit some time to another student’s learning, they should also commit some time to their own learning.

3. Nursing Assistant

Teens who are interested in working in healthcare can start getting experience when they reach 16 years old. It will qualify them for an excellent CNA training program. This role allows them to attend to patients under the supervision of a Registered Nurse or Licensed Practical Nurse. CNAs are in demand in long-term residential facilities and adult daycare.

So if a teen has a soft spot for the elderly, they can work as CNAs in nursing homes or hospice centers. If they prefer to work with kids, they can be certified pediatric nurse assistants. This will allow them to tend to the patients in children’s cancer wards, for example.

This can be a demanding job, so teens should do this only if they have ample time to commit. In addition, working in healthcare requires some sacrifices. If a teen can give up things like time with their friends and hobbies, they may be suitable for this job. Sacrifices don’t make nursing a dreadful job, though. In fact, it’s a meaningful and rewarding job, though heartbreaks may be inevitable sometimes. But it can give teens lessons they won’t learn in school.

4. Blogger or Vlogger

Social media has become a playground of sorts for teens and adults. Because of its versatility, it became a source of income for some people, such as influencers. If a teen would like to earn from blogging or vlogging, they’d need a lot of guidance, though, not to mention consent from their parents. Being a content creator can be addictive for teens, who tend to care for numbers. If they balance their studies and online career well, that’s the only reason to keep the job. Otherwise, they should probably focus on school, then start their online career after they graduate.

Working part-time allows teens to gain a wider perspective in life. It gets them out of their bubble, giving them opportunities to interact with people from all walks of life. However, some jobs can fill a teen’s schedule that they’d be forced to sacrifice some leisure time. Hence, before taking a job, teens must decide what their priorities are.

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