Finish Strong: Why it’s Never too Late to Complete Your Education

Getting a college degree is crucial to getting a well-paying job in the Philippines. However, it’s not easy for most people to achieve.

According to a recent study by insurance firm Philam Life, only 23% of Pinoys get to finish college. The researchers surveyed over 1,000 residents, and only 230 of them said they graduated. One of the biggest reasons, according to the company, was the lack of money. 

If you were part of the 77%, but now have enough savings from working for a few years, there’s no better time to get your degree but now. Find out why it’s never too late to finish your studies.

It Can Get You Promoted and Paid Higher

Apart from the priceless feeling of achievement, a college degree is one of the best ways to secure a promotion or a higher salary. A recent study by Entrepreneur Magazine Philippines and found that the higher the educational attainment of a worker, the higher their salary. College graduates earned over 8,183 pesos more than high school graduates monthly, according to the results published in 2017. This pay increase is a big help, whether you just want to live more comfortably, or you need it to send more money to your loved ones at home.

Expanding Your Skill Set is Always a Plus

Person taking graphic design classes

Learning and mastering a new skill is always fulfilling. In college, you get to choose the expertise you want to develop. Have you always wanted a career in art? A graphics design or fine arts course is for you. Looking to start a company in the future? Many colleges in the country offer business and marketing courses. College gives you the tools and knowledge to land a job you’ve wanted to have.

It’s More Accessible Than Ever

People often turn away from finishing a degree because they don’t have the time or money. However, higher education is more accessible now. Just last year, the “Republic Act No. 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act” was passed, granting state university and college students free tuition. 

The law also covers miscellaneous fees, so you don’t have to pay for library access, school identification, uniforms, and more. If you want to go to a private school, the law also gives subsidies and student loans to assist you with your tuition payments. 

Person studying online using a laptop

Some people have schedules that are just too tight for traditional schooling. You may have a family to look after, or you may be working two jobs. The good news is that you can get a degree from an online college today. Their courses are flexible, so you can study and finish your subjects in your own time. 

Conclusion: Learning Never Ends

Even if you’ve finished your undergraduate degree, don’t stop yourself from improving. Take a master’s degree course, attend seminars, talk to other experts in your field. Part of having a successful career is constant learning. Your job position and your salary will only grow as you gather more knowledge and experience. When you finally step down and retire, you’ll know you finished strong.

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